Things aren't always as they appear..

Open your mind and your eyes..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Boy Howdy!

"When you will not forgive someone, you fill your life with resentment, paranoia, isolation, righteous indignation, vindictiveness, and false assurance that your perceptions and actions are justified because of the wrong that has been done to you (real or not.) You withhold yourself from human community because you perceive, or at least hope, you are not as imperfect as the rest of us and you don't want to associate too closely with our unforgivable flaws.

When you are unforgiven, your life is filled with recrimination, self-abuse, isolation, fear of further accusation, shame that you have done something considered unforgivable. You withhold yourself from human community because you perceive, or are afraid, that you are more imperfect than the rest of us and that you can never make enough amends to be a fully acceptable member of the human family again."

- Christina Baldwin
(from "Life's Companion - Journal Writing as a Spiritual Quest)

On another note, Once a bully ALWAYS a bully?

How do YOU want to be when you are this age?